East Bay Age-Friendly Communities

Cohort site visit to East Bay cities Berkeley, Fremont, and Oakland to learn more about their Age-Friendly community initiatives. Agenda with linked resources | Dropbox.com, .pdf

Update on the Master Plan for Aging

Joint Health & Human Services cohort briefing to gain a comprehensive update on the Mater Plan on Aging. The speakers will also present a specific focus on caregiver workforce and age-friendly communities. Agenda | Dropbox.com, .pdf Resources CDA Presentation...

LA County Child Welfare Tours

Cohort site visit to LA County. To engage with LA County DCFS to learn about processes and their family-finding pilot program, experts from all perspectives of the children’s court, and local-level practitioners to learn about program implementation, successes,...

Child Welfare 101

Virtual pre-trip overview of the child welfare system, including an introduction to the main elements, programs, and investments to prepare participants for site visit to Los Angeles County. Agenda | .pdf Resources CDSS Presentation Slide Deck | Dropbox.com, .pptx...

Oxnard CBAS

Overnight trip to Oxnard to visit Community Based Adult Service centers. Agenda | .pdf